• What is a visit like?

    Initial visits typically are a one-hour comprehensive overview of your health history and current complaints. Part of a “wholistic” doctor’s approach is putting together the puzzle of a person’s symptoms and complaints. A lot of questions are asked and in response a lot of answers can be given. Recent lab work, if provided is also reviewed at the initial visit.

    After the thorough history is taken, options for treatment and labs to further assess your current situation are discussed. Nutrition, physical exercise, stress techniques, lifestyle modifications, herbs, supplements and or homeopathy may be advised.

  • Do you see patients in person?

    We are currently operating solely online.

  • How often are follow up visits?

    A typical patient follows up every month for 30-60 minutes until their goals are met. That being said, some patients require more intimate care and may follow up every 2 weeks.

  • Do you take insurance?

    We do not currently take insurance. We are happy to provide you with a super bill for possible reimbursement from your insurance company. We are typically able to accept HAS or FSA payments.

  • Tell me more about labs…..

    We run a variety of labs. We run typical blood labs that your primary doctor would run but we tend to ask for a more complete and thorough panel. We also run a variety of functional lab tests that can test for imbalances in hormones, your gut, neurotransmitters, toxins etc. These labs are typically not covered by insurance and can range from $200-$400. We are often able to get typical blood labs covered by insurance but not always. Lab work is not included in the price of your initial visit.

    You are an important person on your health journey and we honor that. If there are specific labs that you request, we will order them gladly.

  • Where do I order my supplements?

    You should have access to your personalized protocol via your patient portal. Most supplements are ordered through Fullscript – a reliable source for high quality practitioner-grade supplements.

  • How much will my supplements cost?

    We pride ourselves by customizing treatment plans for each individual. We take into account financial status, preference towards liquids or capsules, current ability to make lifestyle changes and willingness to take supplements. The average patient walks away with 3-6 different supplement recommendations at their initial visit. Supplements range from $10-$50 each.